Author: ourCOG

What Are We Giving?

I was sitting in service Sunday night listening to the evangelist that is with us this week, and the thought dropped in my spirit "if you are not giving all, you are not giving at all." I have played that over and over in my mind since then. What a po... »

Cleveland After the Storm: Day 6

Cleveland After the Storm: Day 6


Still working from Our street is getting power today Charter is not promising any internet for a while #ourCOG

Still working from Our street is getting power today Charter is not promising any internet for a while #ourCOG »

Струва си да се прочете. Добро четиво. RT @bibliata: The Christian response to… #ourCOG

Струва си да се прочете. Добро четиво. RT @bibliata: The Christian response to… #ourCOG »