Author: ourCOG

35. I am thankful for my NEW JOB

Yep, I've been a slacker in my postings as of late...and I really haven't meant to be---and I have a million excuses, but no good reasons.But in a few hours, I will report for duty at Rush University Medical Center as one of their newest employees. La... »

Time is running out

I have often heard the saying that we came here dying. And that is essentially true. We grow day by day from a baby into adulthood. But we aren't really promised the next day.I was sent an article by a friend this morning. The article talked about how... »

The 2011 Vision

The 2011 Vision

The past week we have celebrated the first year serving at our current ministry assignment at Westmore Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee. It’s been an eventful year getting adjusted to doing ministry in a new town with new people and living with your in-laws . We’ve had a lot of great experiences and have [...] »

If we are justified by faith, then how could faith be a free gift? Isn’t the blood of Jesus the free gift?

Faith adds to more faith, and through the Spirit we can have faith added to our initial faith. We add to our faith virtue, then we gain knowledge (2 Peter 1) which leads to higher virtues. All of this is a free gift so that we can be partakers in the divine nature sanctified to [...] »