Author: ourCOG

Missing to discover there is a world existing around us till now does not make us… #ourCOG

Missing to discover there is a world existing around us till now does not make us… #ourCOG »

@LostLambFound @CR4God @GabeTaviano @RobTaylor74 Ministry Not for Sale… #ourCOG

@LostLambFound @CR4God @GabeTaviano @RobTaylor74 Ministry Not for Sale… #ourCOG »

The Battle of the Bulge is On… again.

The Battle of the Bulge is On… again.

Over the past few months, I let the cookies and other goodies get the best of me, and I gained about 8 pounds.  Yeah, I know that 8 pounds does not sound like much, but the real problem is that I had stalled in my weight loss back 6 or 7 months ag... »

RT @jaredwaldrop: They totally under-built the Cleveland Starbucks. It can’t hold all of Lee and all of the COG at the same time. #ourcog

RT @jaredwaldrop: They totally under-built the Cleveland Starbucks. It can't hold all of Lee and all of the COG at the same time. #ourcog »