Author: ourCOG

Stirring Up a Heart for Missions

Stirring Up a Heart for Missions

Hosting a World Missions Conference at your local church is a wonderful way to bring the needs of missions to the hearts and minds of your congregation and to help them discover how they can get involved in fulfilling the Great Commission.In the days, ... »

Finding Jesus in an Unusual Way

Several weeks ago, a student came to me and asked if he could give his testimony at our student service. I pull him aside and he gave me a brief summary of his life. All I can say is, this guy has been through some “stuff!” So last night,... »

@mobileminmag Interesting – I was under the impression @jtauber has abandoned the NTmorph project #ourCOG #bibletech

@mobileminmag Interesting - I was under the impression @jtauber has abandoned the NTmorph project #ourCOG #bibletech »

@tentblogger @mobileminmag @strangera @robalderman is avalible #ourCOG #ourCOG

@tentblogger @mobileminmag @strangera @robalderman is avalible #ourCOG #ourCOG »