Author: ourCOG


It's been over a year since I last posted on this blog. Wow! Time flies while you're completing a Ph.D. and starting a new job as Chair of the Department of Graduate Studies at Beulah Heights University (BHU). I'm still pastor at Conyers Church of G... »

@revkevinwalkerYou are one tweet away from 1,000. Make it count. #ourcog

@revkevinwalkerYou are one tweet away from 1,000. Make it count. #ourcog »

Larry’s visit.

Larry’s visit.

We were pleased to have Larry McQueen to stay with us a few days this week.  The second picture is of friends of Camdyn on her birthday last month. »

At the last Tn COG Bishop’s Blitz 2010 #ourcog

At the last Tn COG Bishop's Blitz 2010 #ourcog »