Author: ourCOG

missing jewel of worship……..

Just wondering if you are still out there and if you have the courage to step up. I still have what you wrote in Feb of '06. »

i am on a journey

I remember when i used to have a bunch of readers on this. Things have changed. I don't ever know if I will be on staff at a church again. Trying to find a guy you can trust to work for and knows what he wants is hard. This journey has had some cra... »

Pause and Reflect 2009-01-09 19:22:00

The wife just came into the office and fixed my pathetic attempt at print publication. She never ceases to amaze me. »

Neil’s Notes 2009-01-09 17:57:00

In A Perfect World In a perfect world the weather would always be 78 degrees with a slight breeze that never messes up your hair. In a perfect world you would always get a strike when bowling, especially when playing Wii. In a perfect world our child... »