Author: ourCOG

God Driven vs Success Driven

It seems to me that too often Christian leaders are more “success driven” than “God driven.” By this I mean that pastors too often measure their own success by the externals rather than the eternals. We tend to put a premium on those things t... »

We Are Planting A New Church

Over the past twenty five years our church has been involved in numerous outreach and mission oriented ministries, among them the planting of new churches. In 1998 we partnered with then Youth Pastor Chris Sustar to plant a church in Anderson, South Ca... »

Leadership Style

Leadership Style

A few days ago I was asked by someone what my “leadership style” is. I hadn’t really thought much about a particular “style” because frankly I feel that the style of the leader is determined in part by the follower(s), the situation, and th... »



I stood beside the bed of a friend as the doctor's and nurses frantically worked to keep him alive. They had put unit after unit of blood into his body, but as they were putting the blood in, he continued to bleed out. His clotting factor was so low ... »