Author: ourCOG

Rhonda’s Blog 2010-08-27 12:59:00

Rhonda’s Blog 2010-08-27 12:59:00

Psalms 118:1Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. »

On Pain, Surrender, and Redemption

On Pain, Surrender, and Redemption

“God has landed on this enemy-occupied world in human form…The perfect surrender and humiliation was undergone by Christ: perfect because He was God, surrender and humiliation because He was man.” -C. S. Lewis in The Case for Christianity Jesus lays out the unattainable path to perfection.  He takes a path that we, in ourselves, cannot [...] »

36. I am thankful for DIRECT DEPOSIT….

For the life of me, I can't understand people who still prefer "paper checks" in their grubby little hands on pay day....and YES, those people still do exist. I've worked with them.....and haven't quit trying to understand them.I started my new job on... »

Character vs. Personality

I was recently asked to explain the difference between character and personality and if God can change either. The following was my response. First of all of course there is a difference between character and personality – this is why they are called with different terms and the person who uses them interchangeable does not [...] »