Author: ourCOG

Spring 2010 Final Exam Schedule.

Once again, the final exam schedule is buried on the Lee website, and it's much easier to look to your friendly neighborhood Wordsmitherd for help. You're welcome.Schedule of Final Examinations Spring Semester 2010 ALL CLASSES MUST MEET DURING THE ASS... »

Prayer Seminar at Royster Avenue Church of God

Prayer Seminar at Royster Avenue Church of God

This morning's message at Royster Avenue Church of God (Shelby, NC) concluded this weekend's "Praying Church" seminar. Pastor Richard Shores, his family and his congregation are such tremendous people.This church already has a good momentum in the mini... »

Have we lost our Connection?

It seems most people on the Internet are 'connected' in some way to something. It might be on MySpace, Facebook, or one of a number of other friendly places to meet people. We get involved in each other's life or perhaps we get entangled in the online ... »

Retarded Clippy of the Future.

The entirety of this post is a quote from Brian Jacob, fearing that his tagging on Wordsmitherd could be detrimental in the future.===I am afraid that many years from now, when the remnants of what we consider modern civilization have been lost and are... »