Author: ourCOG

Understanding the Anointing

Understanding the Anointing

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching explaining what the anointing is, and it’s purpose. »

Halloween is Not for Christians

Halloween is Not for Christians

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching that exposes the satanic celebration known as Halloween. »

Walking on God’s Path

Walking on God’s Path

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching about the importance of every believer making sure they are walking on the right path – God’s path. »

“Pray, Fast, Vote” Part 3 | Jentezen Franklin

“Pray, Fast, Vote” Part 3 | Jentezen Franklin

In “Pray, Fast, Vote” Part 3″, Pastor Jentezen Franklin sends out a powerful call for the body of Christ to take a stand and vote biblically in the upcoming Election! Jentezen Franklin believes it’s time to unify as one voice and vote biblical values into office as Christian voters. This patriotic and biblically driven message will challenge you to search the scriptures and serve... »