Author: ourCOG

Why am I NOT a Calvinist? REASON #1 Free will

Why am I NOT a Calvinist? REASON #1 Free will is not humanistic. It’s the Bible. Lack of free will is Medieval. Dr. Conn... »

Diamonds in the “Rough and Ready”

Diamonds in the “Rough and Ready” And a personal hero of min remembered in Pentecostal history as R-n-R: Rough and Ready. I am grateful... »

FREE Crisis Intervention #Chattanooga

FREE Crisis Intervention and Supportive Services for #Chattanooga Attention CAPA Members! In response to the recent shootings in Chattanooga on Thursday of this week,... »

The Response of the Church: On Terrorism

The Response of the Church: On Terrorism

On Sunday I spoke at City Church Dayton on the issue of terrorism. It is a part of a #trending series based on issues that the world is facing today. The hope is to answer the questions that our people are asking (even if only silently) by looking at the Bible for a proper response […] »