Author: ourCOG

5 Ways Your Phone Wants to Control You

5 Ways Your Phone Wants to Control You

I’ve started thinking of our phones as sentient beings. Amazing resources who come into our lives as guests, but continually battle to master us. If you aren’t aware of their schemes and devices, they’ll eventually devour you. Here’s 5 ways … Continue reading → »

Middle East Missionaries Urge God-Seeking During Violence

Middle East Missionaries Urge God-Seeking During Violence

Bloody protests against an anti-Muslim film that began in the Middle East have reached as far as Australia and Indonesia, and continue to roil the wider Islamic world. Terrorists seized on the anger (or coordinated it, as news reports now indicate) to ... »

VideoBible.TV: READ #ourCOG

VideoBible.TV: READ #ourCOG


Is Attending Church All That Important?

Is Attending Church All That Important?

Where do you rank church attendance? On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, where to you place attending church service? In light of Hebrews 10:24-25, it is an serious question to ask and answer for yourself.   Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV) 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir [...] Related posts: Leaving A Legacy That Counts (4 Tips) Your Bible Wants To Read You 5 Things To... »