Author: ourCOG

Your Life Is A Letter Of God

Your Life Is A Letter Of God

I love getting the mail from the mailbox. In fact, it’s an obsession of mine. I have to be the one that gets the mail and looks at it first. I’m not entirely certain as to why I have such a fixation over the mail, but it goes all the way back to when I [...] Related posts: 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved One You Don’t Like Them And They Don’t Like You (Now What?) Enco... »

The People’s Purpose

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” - Psalm 133:1 This weekend, we had our youth lock-in. So much time and preparation to make it possible. I am so thankful for volunteers. We had a total of 90+ people there…4 youth groups were there…and over 30 volunteers. WOW! I call that [...] »

The Most Beautiful Moment

I watch as my wife,after having put up with ourscreaming, hyper,sugar-filled childrensince early in the morningsits down with thembefore bed and reads to them,filling their imaginationswith possibility and wonder.This poem © Kevin Walker. Published October 2012. »

How Obama’s faith has changed

How Obama’s faith has changed

In Obama’s first term, an evolving Christian faith and a more evangelical style Editor’s note: This is the last in a series about the faith lives of the presidential candidates, which includes a profile of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. By Dan Gilgoff, Religion Editor President Obama’s prayers for a strong first debate may not have been answered, but that doesn’t mean t... »