Author: ourCOG

Should Believers Be Allowed to Bring Concealed Weapons to Church?

Following the tragic mass shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin, which reignited a dialogue on gun rights, a new national survey finds that Americans overwhelmingly believe that the constitutional right to own and carry a gun is as important as their con... »

Prayer Ministries Announces ’40 Days of Prayer’ event

Church of God congregations are encouraged to participate in the upcoming 40 Days to Save America national call to prayer, fasting and repentance, beginning September 28. The national election will be the focus, 40 days prior to the national election. ... »

Historical Commission Announces Conn Historical Writing Award Winners

The Church of God Historical Commission recently announced the winners of the Charles W. Conn Historical Writing Award. The 2010-2012 award winners are Bill T. George for his book, Until All Have Heard: The Centennial History of Church of God World Mis... »

Billy Graham Discharged From Hospital

Evangelist Billy Graham returned to his home in Montreat, N.C., Tuesday following a two-day stay at Mission Hospital in nearby Asheville. Graham was admitted to the hospital early Sunday morning and was treated for bronchitis. “Mr. Graham had a quick... »