Author: ourCOG

Missionaries Working Against Child Labor In Ecuador

Church of God missionaries Dan and Teresa Susong report on their efforts working with children rescued from child labor. ECUADOR — This year we will be working directly with 1,000 children and adolescents, and their parents. All the participants ... »

Daily 40-day Devotional Guide

Daily 40-day Devotional Guide

Good morning! Welcome to Day 30!  We are 75% complete!  Yesterday was one of my fast days and last night I was so hungry – fasting never seems to get easier for me – and I was so tempted to just take a nimble but I reminded myself of all my dear people who are [...] »


The Bible has a lot to say about how we manage our money. I am no expert on the subject, and there are plenty of great resources out there if … Continue reading → »

The greatest test of your character will be seen in what it takes to make you quit. -Tim Hill #ourCOG

The greatest test of your character will be seen in what it takes to make you quit. -Tim Hill #ourCOG »