Author: ourCOG

Defining Moments of 2012: Encouraging Pastors

Defining Moment #11: Affirming Pastors I recently read a pretty powerful quote, “If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up.” Immediately my mind flashed back to the countless times that I wanted to give up during this church planting process. I could give you dozens of reasons and experiences that made me just [...] »

Anonymous Takes on a Baptist Church

Anonymous Takes on a Baptist Church

YourAnonNews, a Twitter account used by members of Anonymous to relay messages pertinent to the hacktivist movement, has been suspended. Twitter users aligned with Anonymous and other online collectives announced the suspension just shy of 12 noon EST on Wednesday, December 19. Minutes later, another account affiliated with the group reported that YourAnonNews was suspended for allegedly sharing l... »

There is Still Time to Cut Out the Counterfeits by Mark Casto

There is Still Time to Cut Out the Counterfeits by Mark Casto

The year 2012 has been a year of apostolic alignment and prophetic fulfillment. Many have transitioned to different locations, jobs, ministries, and relationships because of God’s call. However, in the midst of all the transitions, some made decisions hastily without submitting them to the Lordship of Christ, and it caused confusion and hindrances to interrupt the favor and blessings of God ... »

Defining Moments of 2012: Tailgate Sunday

Defining Moment #10: Tailgate Sunday  What happens when you put the following things together?  Football, ton’s of food, worship and the greatest people on the face of the earth?  That’s exactly right, TAILGATE SUNDAY – one of the biggest Sundays of the year!  As a pastor I realize that “every Sunday” should be my favorite, [...] »