Author: ourCOG

NYT: How China Steals Our Secrets

NYT: How China Steals Our Secrets

FOR the last two months, senior government officials and private-sector experts have paraded before Congress and described in alarming terms a silent threat: cyberattacks carried out by foreign governments. Robert S. Mueller III, the director of the F.B.I., said cyberattacks would soon replace terrorism as the agency’s No. 1 concern as foreign hackers, particularly from China, penetrate American f... »

Bulgaria Axes Finance Minister

Bulgaria Axes Finance Minister

JOE PARKINSON, The Wall Street Journal SOFIA—Bulgaria sacked its finance minister on Monday after a weekend of demonstrations over electricity prices brought tens of thousands onto the streets, raising pressure on a government that had until recently defied political gravity by retaining popularity in the teeth of an austerity drive. Simeon Djankov, a former World [...] »

SMC Student-Reflections on Myrtle Beach Conference (pt1)

Life on the other sideI was a "Shabbacher" long before I ever attended one of the conferences. I had heard about Shabbach, and seen pictures and T-shirts and I will never forget my first Shabbach. When people say it can't be explained, only experienced... »

SMC Student – Reflections on Myrtle Beach Conference (pt 4)

 This year has been different for me than all the other years because for one I was on staff instead of being an attendee. This would be my 8th year attending Shabbach Youth Conferences and out of all these years, this year was my favorite. I love being an attendee but when I was able to have the opportunity to be a staff member and to set up and tear down, I absolutely loved it and I lo... »