Author: ourCOG

Study: Most Churchgoers Fail to Share Faith

When it comes to discipleship, churchgoers struggle most with sharing Christ with non-Christians according to a recent study of church-going American Protestants. The study conducted by LifeWay Research found 80 percent of those who attend church one o... »

Love Your Life Away

Two black engines—that’s how close I was to missing the train altogether. Instead, I watched as graffiti-tagged boxcars rumbled in front of me as I idled in my Prius within shouting distance of my apartment. I could see my road flash between the train connectors, but I couldn’t get there. Trucks and compacts stretched up [...] »

Churches and Social Media

Churches and Social Media


Developments at Discipleship College

KENYA — Major renovations and building repurposing are underway at Discipleship College, a Church of God affiliated college in Kenya, paving the way for continuing expansion and future growth, according to a report from Gene Mills, college presid... »