3 Dispensation Codes in 3 of of the Feasts of Israel
Perry Stone teaches from Israel »
Perry Stone teaches from Israel »
This weekend at Shabbach MB was an amazing experience. I went expecting God to do great things and thats exactly what happened. On Friday night over 500 kids either accepted Christ into their hearts for the first time or rededicated their lives to Christ. I was on security that night and I remember standing there while the altar call was given. As I stood there I watched as a sea of teenagers sto... »
One of the greatest comforts the Bible demonstrates is that Jesus takes pleasure in breaking away from the crowd to take care of the individual. It is simply impossible to be lost from Him in a crowd. In Mark 5: 24-34, we read the story of a woman in the crowd. We are told that [...] Related posts:Check Your Horizontal Mission Field Leaving A Legacy That Counts (4 Tips) An Undivided Heart For The... »
This weekend at Shabbach MB was an amazing experience. I went expecting God to do great things and thats exactly what happened. On Friday night over 500 kids either excepted Christ into their hearts for the first time or reeducated their life to Christ. I was on security that night and I remember standing their while the alter call was given. As I stood there I watched as a... »