Author: ourCOG

Drunken Worship Leaders and Mercenary Musicians

Drunken Worship Leaders and Mercenary Musicians If there’s anyone in the body of Christ who should be an example of purity of heart and purity of life, it is the worship leader, the man or woman who leads God’s people into his holy presence. Yet it is increasingly common to hear about worship leaders getting drunk after church services and drop... »

Convocation 2013 Monday Evening

Convocation 2013 Monday Evening


Convocation 2013 Sunday Evening

Convocation 2013 Sunday Evening


State of the Union tonight 2-12-13

State of the Union tonight 2-12-13

When the curtain rises on President Obama’s State of the Union speech tonight, the White House wants it viewed as “Act Two” – a follow-up to the national goals and policy objectives of which he spoke 22 days earlier on the West Front of the Capitol. “The president has always viewed the two speeches, the inaugural address and the State of The Union, as two acts in the ... »