Author: ourCOG

I Can’t Ever Seem To Get Away. You?

I Can’t Ever Seem To Get Away. You?

Getting away has always been hard for me. I feel like the weight of many peoples lives lean upon my faithfulness. They count on me to give them comfort, hope, purpose, and a weekly word from God. I try to get away a few times a year, but I can’t ever seem to get away. [...] Related posts:Awareness To An Awakening 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved One God did not need to crea... »

John Piper on Prophecy and Tongues

John Piper on Prophecy and Tongues

“. . . there are people who have abused the gift of prophecy by delivering their thoughts in a way that puts the other person in an impossible situation . . . frankly in my experience I am tempted to despise prophesyings because they have been abused.” “I don’t buy the pentecostal historical teaching that you must speak in tongues in order to signify that you are filled with the Spirit... »

East Coast Bible College Today

East Coast Bible College Today


GOD is DOING a NEW THING in 2013

GOD is DOING a NEW THING in 2013

The Holy Ghost within us cries for holiness and we shall not be oppressed, depressed, repressed, regressed, transgressed by this dead and dying world. For there’s a standard of heaven and a judgment of God; a rule of holiness and a road of righteousness which must begin nowhere else but with the household of God; [...] »