Author: ourCOG

Breaking The Silence

Breaking The Silence

After my last post a lot of people asked me about where we would be going. At the time I wrote it, we had all but packed our house and were ready to move. We had numerous opportunities for this to happen, but God decided to move us elsewhere, somewhere locally. We are not disappointed, [...] »

BC/AD 2011 (Bible Camp/All Denominations) in Bulgaria – A New Paradigm for Ministry in the Spirit

BC/AD 2011 (Bible Camp/All Denominations) in Bulgaria – A New Paradigm for Ministry in the Spirit

6:00 AM The Day Begins with Prayer 10:00 AM General Training Session 2:00 PM General Discussion/Water Baptism 4:00 PM Workshops in (1) Prayer, (2) Preaching, (3) Deliverance and (4) Missions 8:00 PM Evening Service followed by prayer at the alters until midnight ALL ABOUT BIBLE CAMP 2011 BULGARIA: BC/AD 2011 (Bible [...] »

@bibliata how goes it with u my #ourCOG friend?

@bibliata how goes it with u my #ourCOG friend? »

Pursue Knowledge

Pursue Knowledge

The following is from Jerry Savelle: What if I told you the biggest key to your success or failure was knowledge? Have you ever made a bad or embarrassing decision just because you didn't know any better? I know I have. When you lack knowledge abou... »