Author: ourCOG

a little conversation i had yesterday

a little conversation i had yesterday

Me: (to someone I just met): “you go to church?” Him: “Yes, we go with my mother in law to her church.” Me: “Great! What church is it?” Him: “New Harvest Church over on Elm Street.” (fictional church and street names) “Where is your church?” Me: “Prosperity Farms Road, just north of PGA BLVD.” Him: [...] »

Wake up every morning and kill yourself. I die daily. He must become greater, I must become less. #stumin #aylacog #ourCOG

Wake up every morning and kill yourself. I die daily. He must become greater, I must become less. #stumin #aylacog #ourCOG »

I need your help … click here ( and vote for Travis Johnson….help spread the word #TheNines #OurCOG

I need your help ... click here ( and vote for Travis spread the word #TheNines #OurCOG »

Guest blog: wearing a size 10 when you’re a size 6 by Krystle Hart

I’ve lived most of my life trying to live up to who I thought I should be, as opposed to who I actually am. It seems like a good idea, right… like, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” But trying to “dress for the job I want” has been more [...] »