Author: ourCOG

Chaplaincy Perspectives for Bulgaria

Chaplaincy Perspectives for Bulgaria

With the crises within the Bible College system of Bulgaria and the potential change of status for the Bulgarian Evangelical Theological Institute (Theological Seminary) in Sofia, the professional programs offered thus far will have to be assimilated into some liberal art schools with a newly evaluated perspective on Christian education in Bulgaria or they will [...] »

Make Changes, Not War

Excuses ooze out our pores. Even typing this article, several have already planted themselves firmly in my can’t-finish zone: coffee needs to be drunk and sports news needs to be checked. Being a leader means not only blasting through our own reticence to change, but also undermining the excuses of others. And they’ll have plenty [...] »

I saw an army tank on the Interstate today

I saw an army tank on the Interstate today

Really it was a couple of days ago. But I really did see it. It was on a tractor-trailer. I was on the entrance ramp getting on the interstate, trying to think of all the stuff I needed to do that day, but when I saw the tank all I thought was whenI wa... »

Program Offers Prostitutes Jail or New Life

When you think of Dallas–the Cowboys, Southfork ranch, and big, shiny things paid for with oil money are what usually come to mind. But a closer look reveals something much darker. Easy access to highways and busy commercial trade make the city a... »