Author: ourCOG

AG and COGIC Break Down Racial Barriers

The two largest Pentecostal denominations in the United States–the Assemblies of God and the Church of God in Christ–have had little interaction throughout their histories, yet both emerged in part from the interracial Azusa Street revival ... »

America for Jesus 2012

America for Jesus 2012


"Who Are We Becoming?" The Five Core Values of MCOG

Who are we becoming?That’s a question that we need to constantly ask of ourselves, both personally and as a church body. From generation to generation if a church doesn’t look within themselves to answer this question in both new and old ways then it will eventually wither and die.Knowing who it is that you are becoming gives your life purpose.There was a girl who recently began attend... »

Finishers Project Repositions for Greater Impact

Finishers Project (, the world’s largest mission-matching service with a proprietary matching search engine, announces the formation of a new parent organization to house their expanding suite of mobilization ministries. MissionNext... »