Author: ourCOG

Franklin Graham Says Obama Has ‘Shaken Fist at God’

Franklin Graham has some strong words for President Obama in the wake of his decision to support same-sex marriage. “In changing his position from that of Senator/candidate Obama, President Obama has, in my view, shaken his fist at the same God who c... »

A Cat Will Never Act Like An Apple

There is an old saying that I just made up: “A cat will never act like an apple.”  I know, I know, if we had a nickel for every time we heard that one… (finish your own joke about never having a nickel…).  It’s absurd, but it is very true.  They are completely different things. […] »

Sibleys Honored by Florida Church

On April 21, 2012, Church of God Secretary General Wallace J. Sibley, and his wife, Dorothy, were honored with a banquet celebration by the Eastside Church of God in Jacksonville, Florida. Sibley, who is completing a four-year term as secretary general... »

The Greatest Untapped Evangelistic Opportunity Before the Modern Church

A pastor from North Carolina suggests that modern missions may be overlooking a vast mission field that’s right at our feet. Scott T. Brown, a long-time advocate for church and family reformation, maintains, “There are many mission fields, ... »