Author: ourCOG

When You Are Under Attack

When You Are Under Attack

I had a conversation with a friend just a little while ago about handling yourself when people are attacking you viciously. As we talked, I was reminded of a devotional that I had some time back, and I came home and looked it up. This is specifically f... »

Thought I might read a book on how to over come things. I found one called "My Struggle," sounds good. Anyone read it? #ourCOG

Thought I might read a book on how to over come things. I found one called "My Struggle," sounds good. Anyone read it? #ourCOG »

Someone Who Cares

“Why are you crying?” I hear her ask,Walking by my deskSlowly,Intently,Pretending to check the homeworkJust so she can say those words to me.“I’m fine, really.”I look away; she walks away;But I think to myself,It’s nice to have someone who ... »

Morgantown Church of God 75th Anniversary — 1992 — Part 2

Morgantown Church of God 75th Anniversary — 1992 — Part 2

75th anniversary service of the Morgantown, Mississippi Church of God held on Sunday, February 16, 1992. Dr. Cecil B. Knight was the guest speaker and Rev. James Gholson was the pastor. History provided by Louis Morgan and special presentation by State Representative Miriam Q. Simmons. Part 2 of 7. »