
3 Waves That Have Shaped Evangelical Churches (and a 4th on the Way)

submitted by /u/shaunbwilson [link] [comments] »

Doctrinal Fidelity

In section 7 of the GA agenda, page B-49, it states: “That all Church of God pastors and ministers be encouraged to qualify doctrinally all ministers, speakers, teachers, and musicians who stand before Church of God congregations in worship settings, o... »

What is your "go-to" digital Bible study resources? Any that should be avoided?

There are many, many Bible apps and websites out there. Which ones are the ones that you use most? What is it about them that you like? Have you run across some that should be avoided? I think sharing these resources could be helpful to someone looking for more. I will start with a few I like: On my iPhone, I have e-Sword LT as my top resource. Supports multiple versions, has commentaries and dict... »

What is your preferred Bible translation?

For a long time, I was not really King James Only, but I was a King James elitist. I thought other translations were fine, but the KJV was the gold standard. After spending some time looking into other translations, how translations were made, textual criticism, etc., I un-elevated the KJV and accepted that there are a wide range of really great, reliable translations. The KJV has one kind of gla... »