
What’s Missing in The Church?

We often hear people pining for the “good old days” of the church. Everyone has a story of how the power of God used to fall in our services, where healings and miracles were the rule rather than the exception. Scripture is clear that God does not chan... »

I am new here, and I recognize that the CoG has some warts, but…

Why is it, that on this forum, the posts that are sensational about happenings in the CoG, generally speaking, get more attention than posts over theological/doctrinal/Christian life? Thoughts? I am relatively new to this forum. I don't have an account on the old system, but I have read many threads over there. There are exceptions, but mostly this forum seems to be folks complaining about things ... »

How to Leave Your Church Well – Podcast, Show Notes, and Transcript

submitted by /u/ThatOldSourPuss [link] [comments] »

Controversial Topic: Is the requirement for CoG ministers to tithe contrary to the Scripture?

Ministers of the Church of God are required to pay tithes, and to attest that they are paying tithes each month when they report. This is required according to the Minutes and is necessary to retain and maintain a ministerial license. Therefore, if a CoG minister does not tithe, then they are forfeiting their license. The question I have, is does this violate Scripture? 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 talks... »