
How many of you absolutely, positively, could not attend a non-Pentecostal church?

Just curious as to how many here would be comfortable attending a Baptist, Non-Denominational, or other non-Pentecostal church as your home church if you had to? Could you adapt to non-Pentecostal worship and doctrine, or would you substitute church at... »

Salaries of Church of God leadership?

Does anyone know what the salaries of the executive committee members is? What about ABs? I’m curious to know but I can’t find the info. Thank you. submitted by /u/Warbird979 [link] [comments] »

A parable about exegeting the Scripture in context

submitted by /u/shaunbwilson [link] [comments] »

A move against diversity?

Almost immediately after starting its term, the Council of 18 which had been celebrated as being the most diverse in history voted to affirm Paul Conn. That is obviously very dangerous to anyone's reputation with the current state of Lee and recent decisions along with all the information that has come out through the TJ assassination attempt. Is it possible that this Council was taken advantage o... »