
One of the stupidest things my president has done

I respect the office of President, But I do not agree with everything that is done in that office. Declaring our Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility’ is about the lowest. I honestly have thought of voting for Biden this time around, I realize we are not voting for a church leader, but a leader of our country and I realize the rights of people to destroy their own bodies anyway they want, no matt... »

To vote or not to vote that is my question

I know it has been discussed. But I voted mostly straight GOP for a long time. I was one of the people, maybe ignorant, who voted for Ross Perot. I am not thrilled for ANY one on the upper part of the ballot this year. I do not want to see 4 more years of Biden OR 4 years of 'Payback' as it is called by Trump. Not at all thrilled with Kennedy who hasn't a chance from my standpoint. I now know if I... »

Hey, Fellers, the Ole Timer is Here

Yep, the ole timer done transitioned. Nope not in at way, but transitioned from the old Acts to the new Acts. submitted by /u/OTCP [link] [comments] »

Patriotism or syncretism?

submitted by /u/ThatOldSourPuss [link] [comments] »