The Health of Pope Francis: A Critical Examination and Historical Context
The Health of Pope Francis: A Critical Examination and Historical Context Pope Francis has recently faced health concerns that have drawn the attention of... »
The Health of Pope Francis: A Critical Examination and Historical Context Pope Francis has recently faced health concerns that have drawn the attention of... »
I have come across a theological assertion that Philippians 2:6 should be understood thus: Who, being in the form of a god, thought it not robbery to be equal with a god ... What is the hermeneutical justification for adding or not addin... »
In the bustling world of #ourCOG, recent days have been filled with events and stories of significance. The highlight has been the announcement of Lee University’s Opera Theatre program, which will present two one-act operas, “Down in the Valley” by Kurt Weill and “Trouble in Tahiti” by Leonard Bernstein, in a captivating four-night production. Religious gatherings co... »
He said, “I pray, ‘If you don’t want me to do it, stop me!'”When I was in my 20’s overseas, I had an American... »