Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST?
Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST? MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the... »
Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST? MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the... »
If you want to share what’s going on at the General Assembly and you’re on Twitter, use the #COGga hashtag. For instance, I just tweeted: Quote: Track along with what’s going on at the Church of God General Assembly in Orlando by using the #COGga hashtags. http://bit.ly/bHtg6I Anyone who includes “#COGga” in a Twitter comment [...] »
When we wrote back in March and again last month, we could hardly imagine what God had in store for our area. After eight full weeks of revival in Polk County more revivals are on our schedule this month. Swept by the wave of the Spirit, several independent churches have joined in with parallel meetings, thus multiplying the expected attendance exponentially. Initially 7, now 8 churches and multip... »
Jingle all the way, nobody likes a half-assed Jingler. Hang with me today, you know I’m not usually as edgy … »