Christmas Jingle

Jingle all the way, nobody likes a half-assed Jingler.

Hang with me today, you know I’m not usually as edgy with my quotes as today’s quote. But it came to my attention at an opportune time.

My daughter sent me a picture of a Christmas-themed dishtowel that she saw which included the above reflections on the Christmas classic, Jingle Bells. Those of you who know Briana will not be surprised.

But back to the opportune time…

A few moments later as I was reflecting upon my quotes for the day, a quote that I entered in 2005 came up. At the time it seemed so wise and I added it to my quote file. What do you think?

“Never make a major decision that bets the entire ranch on being right.”

Patrick M. Morley

But today, after almost 20 more years of life experience, it occurs to me that the truly important decisions of life actually do require you betting the entire ranch on being right.

Ironically, Morley’s quote came from a book on marriage.

I promise you, if you want to have a successful marriage, you’ve got to bet the whole ranch on someone. No hedging your bets, “trying it out” for a couple years to see if you’re compatible, no playing the field on the side…

None of that. You have to step up, make the plunge, and stand before God and a minister and “Pledge your troth” (give your word of honor) that you’re committed till death do you part, come hell or high water (actually it’s “for better or worse”).

Your eternal destiny is another bet-the-ranch decision.

Either there’s a God or there’s not. And if there is a God, by the very nature of being God, He will not be confused. There will be a way, a truth, and a life to be gained or lost. No hedging your bets, dabbling in this or that, or hoping that, like doing the laundry, it all comes out in the wash.

Now if you’re talking about investing for your retirement, not betting the entire ranch on a single investment makes great sense, better to diversify.

Going to a new restaurant? Don’t bet the ranch, look at the reviews before walking through those doors.

Hiring a new lawn service? Choosing a new barber? Picking a vacation location? Google it, check their references, ask around.

The ONE THING for today: But for the really, really importance decisions, you have to make up your mind and take the plunge. No looking back, you’re jingling all the way.