
Listen to Pastor’s Messages Online

Each Monday morning we update our church website with Pastor Bare's message from the 8:30 AM service. »

38. I am thankful for CHURCH PICNICS

Yes, you were reading it correctly: I am VERY thankful for Church picnics...and especially the ones we have here at The Moody Church in Chicago. Our FIFTH annual picnic was yesterday (after the morning worship service), and it was great. So many fai... »

Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries: Think Small!

<!--StartFragment--> <!--StartFragment--> <!--StartFragment--> <!--StartFragment--> <!--StartFragment--> Think Small (Matt. 13:3-32) Think Good Soil (Matt. 13:8) “But some seeds fell on fertile soil and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty and even a hundred times as much as had been planted” Only seed sown on good soil produces a harvest. At the ... »

Qik – Pizza Hut with the kids! by Jim Milligan
