
Pastor Kemp’s Blog 2012-02-01 19:53:46

Psalm 119:131 I opened my mouth and panted, for I longed for Your commandments.  A few days ago I posted the following tweet: “Anyone who wastes your time is a murderer.”  I thought nothing of it but I got several comments about it.  Upon reflection, I suppose it was a little a little shocking to [...] »

I know in the #ourCOG we don’t #snakehandle (wink), but if you have ever wanted to "hold" a rattlesnake-cobra,aka saint of god, call me.

I know in the #ourCOG we don't #snakehandle (wink), but if you have ever wanted to "hold" a rattlesnake-cobra,aka saint of god, call me. »

Day Seventeen = Put Your Shoes On (40 day fasting challenge)

Day Seventeen = Put Your Shoes On How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns. (Isaiah 52:7) The ar... »

Prolepsis (A Word for the Weary)

Prolepsis is a literary term that refers to flash forwards, foreshadowing, and/or anticipation in a story. In terms of our walk with God, prolepsis is a future event that impacts our present … Continue reading → »