
2012 Running list

In order for me to run regularly, I need the motivation that I’m going to have a time posted for the world to see online as the result of my running a race. So…I’m trying to keep races at regular … Continue reading → »

There are some bees hovering outside my window. "Hey, bees its just my hair style." #ourCOG

There are some bees hovering outside my window. "Hey, bees its just my hair style." #ourCOG »

What do you call a church approved lotto? THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!! #ourCOG

What do you call a church approved lotto? THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!! #ourCOG »

I have a great idea!!! We should start a ministry that wins zoo animals to the Lord! Wait can animals be members!?? Never mind. #ourCOG

I have a great idea!!! We should start a ministry that wins zoo animals to the Lord! Wait can animals be members!?? Never mind. #ourCOG »