
#COGSloganIdeas: CoG is the Domino’s of Pentecostal church; you are not sure why your going there. #ourCOG

#COGSloganIdeas: CoG is the Domino's of Pentecostal church; you are not sure why your going there. #ourCOG »

proud graduate of @GOAnderson 2-3-4-5 yh 12 yrs ago :) #ourCOG

proud graduate of @GOAnderson 2-3-4-5 yh 12 yrs ago :) #ourCOG »


She swirls the last of her black coffeeMindlessly around in her cupAs she stares out the windowAt her normal boothAt her normal timeAt her normal diner.But she…Well, she’s anything but.She drove here in a 1985 Ford pickupFlannel shirt flapping in t... »

Abraham: What’s the Big Idea?

What’s the big idea? It is an idiom that is normally used to ask the simple question, Why are you doing that? However, it carries with it a sense of befuddlement. It is to say, Please tell me why you are doing what you are doing, because I cannot think of any good reason to [...] »