
I have a very contagious form of the flu, but I’m going to be at #ourCOG tomorrow because I’m greeting people at the door tomorrow

I have a very contagious form of the flu, but I'm going to be at #ourCOG tomorrow because I'm greeting people at the door tomorrow »

@dasjr is talking to @JimmieJohnson; where is @TommyThompson? Don’t take the girl (c) Summer of 1994 #ourCOG

@dasjr is talking to @JimmieJohnson; where is @TommyThompson? Don't take the girl (c) Summer of 1994 #ourCOG »

NASCAR! #1 or CFB RT @Cog_Swagger What the world series has low ratings? I guess boxing is now back to number 1 sport. #ourCOG

NASCAR! #1 or CFB RT @Cog_Swagger What the world series has low ratings? I guess boxing is now back to number 1 sport. #ourCOG »

Maryland is #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #ourCoG

Maryland is #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #BowdleCountry #ourCoG »