
Since Kathy died…

Since Kathy died…

Posted in KathyIt has now been 16 days since Kathy died.  Although I have no “baseline” to measure with but I’m assessing that I’m doing okay. Some days are very hard and some are better than the hard ones.  The truth of the matter is I feel like I’m falling through a dark hole and I cannot [...] »

#ourCOG Social Platform


momentum http://goo.gl/fb/DxxQk #ourCOG

momentum http://goo.gl/fb/DxxQk #ourCOG »


This past week, our church started discussing what it means to have momentum in our lives. Crazy enough, as we have began talking about it, this week I am starting to see a lot of momentum. It is funny how if you are faithful to small things, God will begin to move in your circumstances. [...] »