
The next #WalkerSeminar session will feature Pastor Loran Livingston. Be sure to join us April 14 here at @LeeU. #OurCOG

The next #WalkerSeminar session will feature Pastor Loran Livingston. Be sure to join us April 14 here at @LeeU. #OurCOG »

Yesterday and Tomorrow

I originally posted this in November 2007 (so the soon to be 3 year old is almost done with Kindergarten) but the truth really connected to me today. I hope it does for you as well. —- My oldest son Cooper will turn 3 the day after Thanksgiving next week. He is without a [...] »

Great Q+A session at the #WalkerSeminar today. About to start the Lecture session. #OurCOG

Great Q+A session at the #WalkerSeminar today. About to start the Lecture session. #OurCOG »

Can two neurotics can be happily married? http://goo.gl/fb/eJJj8 #ourCOG

Can two neurotics can be happily married? http://goo.gl/fb/eJJj8 #ourCOG »