World Missions

Take my hand, Precious Lord

In 1932 while the United States and most of the world was in the grip of the Great Depression, Thomas Dorsey, a young African-American minister from Georgia, wrote one of the most famous and powerful Gospel songs that would ever be penned. He wrote it during a time of devastating grief, as his beloved wife. Nettie [...] »

Dr. Tonya Hawthorne

Dr. Tonya Hawthorne, DO, is a graduate of Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Prior to attending Kirksville, she attended Southeastern College in Lakeland, Florida, where she studied to become a missionary. After graduating from Southeastern, she began to pursue a career in medicine. It had been her lifelong dream to become a doctor and [...] »

Misiones Mundiales Lanza un Esfuerzo de Plantación de Iglesias y Revitalización

Cleveland, TN: El Dr. M. Thomas Propes, Director de Misiones Mundiales de la Iglesia de Dios, y el Dr. John D. Childers, Asistente al Director, anunciaron hoy la formación de una iniciativa de plantación y revitalización de iglesias fuera de los Estados Unidos y Canadá. “Si vamos a ver una cosecha global de almas, debemos hacer todo lo que esté ... Read More »

Virgil Perkins, Father of LaQuita Propes, Passes

Virgil Lamar Perkins (August 31, 1933 – May 7, 2021) completed his earthly journey on Friday, May 7th, 2021. Church of God World Missions and General Director David Griffis give their heartfelt condolences to LaQuita Propes, his daughter, and son-in-law, M. Thomas Propes, World Missions Assistant Director, and their family. Rev. Perkins was born on [...] »