World Missions

Shane and Kerri Estes

Shane and Kerri Estes The people of Central America have held a special place in the Estes’ hearts for many years. Kerri took her first short-term mission trip to Nicaragua in 2003 to participate in a medical/evangelism team. In 2004, realizing the call to missions on her life, she changed her college major to [...] »

The Carpenter

I came across this picture of a burning candle with an opened Bible in the background. The room around the candle and Bible is completely dark, yet light and truth are beautifully displayed in the midst of darkness. The great prophecy of the ancient Hebrew Prophet Joel, quoted by the Apostle Peter on the Day [...] »

The Carpenter

I came across this picture of a burning candle with an opened Bible in the background. The room around the candle and Bible is completely dark, yet light and truth are beautifully displayed in the midst of darkness. The great prophecy of the ancient Hebrew Prophet Joel, quoted by the Apostle Peter on the Day [...] »

Hand Writing Upon the Wall

I was reading the Book of Daniel and was once again intrigued and quite frankly convicted as I read Daniel Chapter 5, which tells the sobering story of the ancient Babylonian King, Belshazzar. In this short chapter, his life, his sins, and his sudden judgement by the God of Heaven and earth, Is given to [...] »