World Missions

A Word of Thanks for Our Missionaries from the General Director

I saw this remarkable picture of Paul and Silas portraying the story found in Acts 16 of that night in Phillipi.  When these two missionaries were set free from prison by an earthquake sent from God, occurring while they were praying and singing praises to God, though beaten, forsaken, and in stocks. The jailer and [...] »

He Will Return….You Can Count on It

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 Who He was then... He is now. Who He is now.... He will be tomorrow. When He first came to us....the world was so very different. The world now is so very different than then... But He is coming again. Then He worked, tasted [...] »

Prayer for Latin America

Dr. David M. Griffis, General Director of World Missions, has been informed by Dr. Angel Marcial, Field Director for Latin America, of the recent and devastating resurgence of COVID-19 throughout Latin America. The Church of God lost 9 pastors during the month of April in this region due to the deadly COVID-19 outbreak. Many pastors [...] »

André Philippe Weber, We Remember

FORMER OVERSEER OF FRANCE/BELGIUM (1972-1982/1987-1998) PASSES AWAY André Philippe Weber passed away on April 19, 2021. Reared in a Pentecostal home, André’s father owned a 300-acre farm in France, and the Pentecostal movement had its very beginning on his father’s farm in 1931. After receiving his call to the ministry, André made contact with the [...] »