Cause and Responsibility In judgement is the outcome and result…
Cause and Responsibility
In judgement is the outcome and result the only thing that matters and not causes?
We hear a lot about Adam’s sin, but not much about what caused it.
The presence and impact of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden is a factor in Adam’s fall that must be taken into account. Where did the Serpent come from? How did the Serpent become evil?
Just as Adam had a factor that led to his fall (the Serpent), what factor led to the Serpent’s fall?
Cause and responsibility must be determined to achieve righteous judgement. We don’t blame the victim for a crime caused by a factor beyond the victim’s control.
If a woman is raped do we hold her accountable, or the cause and factor that led to the crime?
We do have a thing in our law books called not guilty by reason of insanity or mental defect. We recognize that there are factors that can influence and determine behavior, and we render not guilty verdicts based on the overpowering nature of those factors.
In the final analysis which of us is really in a position to have all power over the factors that determine who we are and what we do? Did we create ourselves and the reality we live in?
No. We are created and living in a reality that we had nothing to do with. No one chose to be born. No one chose the reality that is our existence.