comment posted today on That’s disturbing… I hope he…
comment posted today on
That’s disturbing… I hope he is going to get a closer look at what riverhills Tampa is needing in new leadership… I doubt it… so many dirty tricks in play with riverhills especially the leadership failings . My question is how is riverhills Tampa affording a conference with Eddie James and the likes when they have to raise 85,000 a month to break even. I know in the past they have been given a pass on paying reports so I assume a large donor is footing the bill or the lead and assistant pastor are up to the old trick of its “designated fund” or “missions funds.” How long is the church of God going to keep robbing small churches and forcing them to comply with rules that the larger churches and more connected pastors don’t have to deal with. But with friends like Culpepper you can make anything happen. I would expect more out of Culpepper. Who better to be passing out Cleveland passes then the overseer who was over Tim hill while he was at world mission. So the question is how many former Cleveland employees and. Pastors in good with Cleveland have been allow to develop a “ Cleveland fund” that is outside of the open oversight. I can attest with others that the staff of riverhills openly flaunted that there were project numbers to give to in Cleveland that would benefit riverhills with funds because other church’s contributed as well and all money would go to the church without state or international taking a percentage. Is there accountablity over the money once it left the walls of the local church? What about on the international office side of this. If so this is a call for accountability with all missions and evangelism accounts not just this one. I know riverhills was audited. And now any information for riverhills must go to Cleveland. We knew something was wrong when the district overseer back in 2013 could not meet with us because state office said he could not.