Deeply Cherished Treasures
““Divorce” is another term for the death of a family.”
— Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement by Katy Faust
Katy Faust’s book – Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement – wrecked me. I recommend it highly.
Today’s short 10-worded quote sums it up well.
““Divorce” is another term for the death of a family.”
Katy Faust
Tragically, divorce happens.
But here’s the deal, just because it happens frequently, doesn’t mean it is inevitable.
There are some things worth fighting for.
There are some things worth sacrificing for.
There are some causes greater than our happiness, welfare or even survival.
Marriage and family is one of them, and there are others.
The ONE THING for today: Don’t let the “new normal” and the numbing drumbeat of negativity running rampant in our times wear you down. You have timeless values and principles that matter deeply to you. You have treasures, eternal treasures – treasures of the heart – people who matter dearly to you. Fight for them, defend them, give your all to them and for them.
Do this, not to prove a point.
Do this, not in a pharisaical way to condemn others and to prove them wrong.
Do this, not to win an election or an argument.
Do this, not to win approval from those on your side of the issues.
Do it because you care so deeply that you have no other viable choice than to defend and fight for those deeply cherished treasures that you value so dearly.
Do it because it the only right thing for you to do.