do something
I direct a non-profit orphan relief organization called International Orphan Support (IOS for short). This week, on our facebook page, I posted the picture on the left. We received a lot of interaction on it, so I thought I would also post it here.
This photo was taken at a Siem Reap, Cambodia orphanage by Celine Griffin on March 27, 2004 (documented in the book, “Essentials of Sociology” by James M. Henslin.) These young children spend much of their time drugged and in these nets to simplify their care.
You should take time to read all the comments on our facebook page. People were outraged! The photo evoked a lot of powerful emotions. There was even some discussion about what we should do to the perpetrators, including some great profanity!
But the point of this post is, as ticked off as people were, I think that’s where it ended. While we have no way of knowing the response of the people who commented, the only barometer we have (contributions to or involvement with our organization) did not change. So I would say this: talk is cheap.
I encourage you, not only on this issue but on any issue that is worth caring about: Get emotional enough to get involved. Anyone can have a strong opinion. Some are passionate enough to actually do something that brings about change. And we need lots of change in the world, don’t we?
Do something.