Be There!

“If you are not where you are, you are nowhere.” _Lamar Vest, conservation on January 20, 2021

The ONE THING for Today: Planning, visualizing, hoping, dreaming, praying for a better future…all these are good.  But the doorway to actually making it all happen is to be fully present and engaged in the moment. 

And don’t do this because you’re trying to make your dreams come true.  Be fully present and engaged in the moment because it is the right thing to do. 

Give you best. 

Give more than is expected.

Sign your work.

Leave the campsite better than you found it.

And let it be said of you by others, “My life is better because they stepped into it.”

Practice these fully present/engaged in the moment habits and watch how your dreams come true. 

PICTURE CREDIT: I took this picture this last Memorial Day when Sonja and I took a trip to the Missouri Botanical Gardens.