Every argument I have come across that the archangel Michael…
Every argument I have come across that the archangel Michael is not Jesus seems to rely heavily on the straw man that Jesus is not a created angel. But is there anywhere in scripture that says Michael was created or are we just reading that into the word angel, which we know can also mean messenger and is applied to Jesus in Malachi 3:1?
In other words, is there any scriptural reason Michael has to be a created being rather than the third person of the trinity simply assuming a different name.
Edit: so far all of the comments are proving my point. Take away the argument that Jesus is not a literal angel, and there doesn’t seem to be any other good arguments, just condescending insistence on maintaining orthodoxy. Jesus goes by so many other names in the Bible, what’s one more? What if archangel means ultimate messenger, rather than just promoted angel?