Forty-five Years of Marriage

My dear Sonja,

Forty-five years ago today, and only 17 miles from where I am currently sitting in my parent’s home in Walhalla, South Carolina, you and I “plighted our troth” to each other at your home church—the Gap Hill Church of God and, following the ceremony and reception, you jumped into a 1972 Ford Pinto with me (What were you thinking!?), and we headed out into life together.  What a journey it has been…and still is. 

How do you sum up forty-five years of marriage?  Forty-five years of being married to the same person at that!  It is virtually impossible.  So many shared memories.

But here’s a try…

Forty-five Years of Marriage in Forty-five Words

Madly in love



Willing to go


Many addresses

Many friends along the way

Parents who loved us

A slap

An agreement

Learning to do life together


Children’s marriages

Virtually perfect grandchildren (!!!)

No regrets

More in love than ever


