Guest Post – Lament as a Christian Pedagogical Tool ourCOG April 23, 2023 11:18 am #ourCOG 1 Editor’s Note: In light of Ash Wednesday and this time of repentance, confession, and lament before Easter, we will be hosting once a week posts on the theme of lament…. Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets, christian, guest, post, tool By ourCOG Related Posts how I discovered the secrets of the universe and got happy for the first time in my… #ourCOG Surprise party for @taralanae20 was a success! Always a pleasure to be with the Hill family! #ourCOG hahaha @missionalcog on your *NEW ENTRY Are you taking under consideration the 5% WM began… #ourCOG I just noticed that my fellow workers are wearing cardigan sweaters. Now that is a trend I understand. Awesome #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG